風暴 (2013) (DVD) (香港版)

風暴 (2013) (DVD) (香港版)

Sale price$19.90
Only 1 left!
執法與犯法同途 人性被迫上絕路
公義的灰色地帶 忠奸誰來定界?!

人走上善惡是命運還是選擇?是性格還是意外? 香港有史以來最晚來的颱風在城市上空醞釀多時,悶熱得讓人喘不過氣。以曹楠 (胡軍 飾) 為首的蒙臉匪幫在鬧市打劫押款車。精心策劃多時想搗毀曹楠犯罪團夥的高級警務督察呂明哲 (劉德華 飾) 接線報趕到現場,把匪幫殺個措手不及。多把警槍指嚇下,曹等正要束手就擒,一輛汽車失控衝進現場,匪幫乘亂逃脫。 被捕汽車司機陶成邦 (林家棟 飾) 堅持是受驚踏錯油門。審問下,呂發現陶是他中學同學。三十年不見,一個成為警隊精英,另一個卻是剛出獄的積犯....
Pickup currently unavailable at Broadcast Entertainment (Pacific Mall)

風暴 (2013) (DVD) (香港版)

Broadcast Entertainment (Pacific Mall)

Pickup currently unavailable

4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8


Broadcast Fantasia (Markville Mall)

Pickup currently unavailable

5000 Highway 7
Markham ON L3R 4M9


Pickup available, usually ready in 2-4 days

4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75 (Pacific Mall)
Markham ON L3R 0N8


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If you have any questions or inquires, feel free to send us an email at broadcastfantasia@gmail.com!

You may also leave any suggestions for items that you would like us to stock. Due to the large amounts of inquires we receive, we will try our best to respond to you within 24 hours. Our friendly staff are always happy to help!

More Information

Release Date:

Vendor: 安樂影視有限公司 (HK)

All items will be shipped out within 1-3 business days once the order has been processed.

Estimated Delivery Time:

- North America: 4~15 business days

- UK, Europe, Australia: 15~25 business days

- Asia: 7~20 business days

- Mexico: 18~25 business days

- Other Countries: +40 business days

Customs & Duties: Please note that import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price. Any charges are the buyer's responsibility.

Please check carefully before placing your order. Albums cannot be cancelled nor refunded once they are processed.

The outer case/box is simply for the protection of the goods. We are not responsible for damages, such as scratches or defects on the case/box, which cannot be compensated.