陳奕迅 - CHIN UP!

陳奕迅 - CHIN UP!

Sale price$79.99 CAD
In stock
隨音樂感受一趟高低跌宕的人生之旅.一起Keep Your Chin Up!

Figure教父 Michael Lau操刀設計.實體精裝插圖畫冊 百幅玩味設計草圖
「十款書脊」隨機出貨 組合童趣燦爛風景



  Eason陳奕迅推出全新音樂專輯《CHIN UP!》,共收錄8首歌。專輯概念源自於Eason年少時期在英國留學時,經常聽到「Keep your Chin Up!」(別垂頭喪氣)這句諺語。昔日一句簡單的鼓勵,此刻聽來卻是一句撫慰人心的當頭棒喝。原來只要下巴挺起,沒有什麼是挺不過的!
  就像未曾走過的路途在眼前展開,當你抬頭,眼前是繁花似錦的未來;當你低頭,眼下是荊棘滿途的未知。同樣都是未走過的路,在腦海中,一念夢想,一念恐懼,端看自己如何抉擇。CHIN UP!把下巴抬起來,徘徊在低頭與抬頭之間,不讓夢想抬得太高,使我們好高騖遠;也不被恐懼壓低,使我們妄自菲薄。CHIN UP就是跟夢想與恐懼和諧共存之道。

  專輯設計是由有「香港Figure教父」之稱的藝術家Michael Lau傾力操刀製作,以一個在玩攀登架的俏皮小孩呈現CHIN UP的核心精神,比喻快樂忘形,哪管天多高地多厚,CHIN UP就爬過了!專輯收錄8首歌曲,Eason特別誠邀林家謙聯手製作專輯,全碟作曲由林家謙一手包辦,部分編曲由李榮浩操刀。歌曲順序既像是一趟成長的線性旅程,卻又是一個個二元對立的人生課題。

  整張專輯帶你游走夢想與恐懼,或許你會停在某一首單曲循環,也可能整張專輯反覆循環。哪個階段、哪個課題,別讓雙下巴跑出來,記得CHIN UP挺過去!

1. 塵大師(Lightly)
2. 人啊人(Homo Sapiens)
3. 焦焦焦(Hold On A Sec)
4. 社交恐懼癌(Don’t Mind Me)
5. 空城記(Something Missing)
6. 是但求其愛(The Search)
7. 盲婚啞嫁(The Code)
8. 致明日的舞(A Dance For Tomorrow)
Pickup available at Broadcast Entertainment (Pacific Mall) Usually ready in 2-4 days

陳奕迅 - CHIN UP!

Broadcast Entertainment (Pacific Mall)

Pickup available, usually ready in 2-4 days

4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8


Broadcast Fantasia (Markville Mall)

Pickup currently unavailable

5000 Highway 7
Markham ON L3R 4M9


Pickup currently unavailable

4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8


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More Information

Release Date:

Vendor: 環球唱片(香港)

All items will be shipped out within 1-3 business days once the order has been processed.

Estimated Delivery Time:

- North America: 4~15 business days

- UK, Europe, Australia: 15~25 business days

- Asia: 7~20 business days

- Mexico: 18~25 business days

- Other Countries: +40 business days

Customs & Duties: Please note that import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price. Any charges are the buyer's responsibility.

Please check carefully before placing your order. Albums cannot be cancelled nor refunded once they are processed.

The outer case/box is simply for the protection of the goods. We are not responsible for damages, such as scratches or defects on the case/box, which cannot be compensated.

Please note: South Korea is currently experiencing strict pandemic restrictions which has delayed shipments and impacted product availability. Orders will be fulfilled as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.