忍者亂太郎 (真人版) (DVD)

忍者亂太郎 (真人版) (DVD)

Sale price$17.99 CAD
Only 1 left!
導演: 三池崇史



經典童心爆笑動畫 鬼馬小忍蛋笑顏活現銀幕

動畫真人相似度 100%

平民出身的鬆毛四眼仔亂太郎進入忍術學校成為忍蛋 (BB 班忍者),希望受訓成為忍術高強的忍者。開朗的亂太郎聯同班上見錢開眼的古惑仔小丸和鼻涕長流的呆蛋新丁,組成論盡不離三兄弟,經常搞出不少笑話。校園內為人熟識的當然少不了一昂首大笑就會因頭太大而向後跌的毒菇城城主八方齋、瞬間易服變裝的山田老師、不准學生吃剩飯的廚房大嬸等。

經過一年學習,一班正在放暑假的忍蛋卻突然面臨嚴峻挑戰 ── 刺客出現要暗殺髮型師齊藤幸隆及高班同學齊藤鷹丸。為了援助同學,破解刺客陰謀,亂太郎和一班忍蛋準備和壞忍者決鬥!只得半桶水忍術的忍蛋們,加上一公升熱血友愛搭救,能否完成暑期任務,化解學校危機?
Pickup currently unavailable at Broadcast Entertainment (Pacific Mall)

忍者亂太郎 (真人版) (DVD)

Broadcast Entertainment (Pacific Mall)

Pickup currently unavailable

4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8


Broadcast Fantasia (Markville Mall)

Pickup currently unavailable

5000 Highway 7
Markham ON L3R 4M9


Pickup available, usually ready in 2-4 days

4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8


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More Information

Release Date:

Vendor: 鐳射發行 (HK)

All items will be shipped out within 1-3 business days once the order has been processed.

Estimated Delivery Time:

- North America: 4~15 business days

- UK, Europe, Australia: 15~25 business days

- Asia: 7~20 business days

- Mexico: 18~25 business days

- Other Countries: +40 business days

Customs & Duties: Please note that import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price. Any charges are the buyer's responsibility.

Please check carefully before placing your order. Albums cannot be cancelled nor refunded once they are processed.

The outer case/box is simply for the protection of the goods. We are not responsible for damages, such as scratches or defects on the case/box, which cannot be compensated.